As an AI language model, I do not know the specific topic of the article but I can provide you with an outline to guide you as you write your article.

The introduction of the article should introduce the topic of discussion, provide context and background information. It should also give an overview of what the article will cover.

Background Information:
This section should contain detailed information about the topic of discussion. The writer should provide historical context, definition, and significance of the topic. This section should be well-researched and should contain footnotes or sources.

Main Points:
The main points should be the body of the article. This section should provide the meat of the topic with evidence from reliable sources. The main points should unfold progressively, each linking to the next until the end.

Examples and Analysis:
This section should provide relevant examples and detailed analysis of the topic, drawing from various sources. It can include case studies or events that illustrate the topic of discussion. It should be engaging and thought-provoking.

The conclusion is the wrap-up of the article. It should summarize the main points of the article and revisit the topic of discussion. It should also give the reader something to ponder, such as an open question or further analysis.

Before publishing or submitting your article, it’s crucial to edit it for grammar, spelling, and coherence. Get someone to edit it for you to ensure that it’s of high quality.

After editing the article, the next step is to publish it on a reputable platform or submit it to a publication. This will give it more exposure to readers, and it will also help you establish yourself as a credible writer.

Writing an article requires a lot of work, especially if you want to write an exceptional one. This outline should give you an idea of what to cover, but research and sources are still the keys to a successful article.